Hello! Welcome to Biological Entities, my own little place on the web talk about the most awesome, intricate, and amazing phenomenon so far discovered in the universe: life. I'm Alex, and I'll be your host, so let me tell you a little about what I want to do here, and then a little about who I am.
The world may or may not need another biology blog. In my experience, the biologists out there who are blogging are doing a fantastic job, as are the very experienced science writers who report on the newest research (links to some of my favorites will make their appearances eventually). There probably really isn't much I can add to that. So, why set up yet another blog? Well, mainly for myself, to get myself back into reading research and trying to understand and interpret it, and then break it down into understandable chunks for my students. Secondly, for my students, who may or may not follow this blog, but if they do, then perhaps it will help them understand when their crazy biology teacher rambles on about some other thing he thinks is cool but they can't understand why. And finally, for anyone else who stumbles across this place. If my writing helps you understand the living world just a little bit better, then awesome.
So, what am I going to do around here? Well, the main focus will obviously be biology. I'll basically be reading research papers and then posting thoughts about them here. I plan to ask the authors of such papers to check out my posts if they have time, and if they are so gracious to do so, make sure I've understood their work correctly. I also plan to link to other blogs and articles and post my thoughts about them as well. And, I'm sure not every post will be biology related, so don't be surprised if I have a few random tangents here or there.
Finally, I'll be posting things here, such as graphics, links to videos, apps, etc. that I use in class so that my students have an easy place to come and find information that I've talked about.
So, that's the plan. We'll see how well I do at following it.
And, just who am I?
I'm currently a high school biology teacher in Bangkok Thailand. I've been doing this for the past 5 years. My background is biology, and I have a BS in Marine Biology from Florida Institute of Technology. I have spent the last 11 years outside of the United States, first teaching English as a Second Language in Japan and Morocco, and now teaching biology here in Thailand. I am completely fascinated with biology, and I hope to pass some of that fascination on to my students, though I'm not too sure that I'm being successful at that. Still, maybe some of my passion for this branch of science will rub off on some of them.
So, here with go with yet another biology blog: Biological Entities. Hope you enjoy what you find here. :)